Sunday, August 30, 2009

(3) - The Death of Hollis Mason

I went to the Yanks game this past Friday. Cano hit a 3-run, walk-off home run in the 10th inning to win the game. It was my third game this year witnessing an extra inning, walk-off home run. So outstanding. That was their 12th walkoff win this year, most since they had 13 in the 70s (the year is escaping me). I'm getting pumped for October.

Finally got around to watching WATCHMEN: DIRECTOR'S CUT this afternoon after I got back from the city. It upsets me that this wasn't the version released in the theaters. Still nowhere near as good as the graphic novel, but wayyyy better than that shit version released in March. One scene made such a difference in the entire movie; the death of Hollis Mason. What an unbelievable scene. This one scene bridges the gap between the Watchmen from the 1940s to the Watchmen of the 1980s. It is simply poetic the way Snyder shoots this scene, interchanging Mason getting beat up to back in his heyday when he was the one doing the beatdowns. The music choice was good too; just a simple score done by Tyler Bates. The music choice throughout the movie really annoyed me (with the exceptions of "Unforgettable" and "The Times They Are a Changin"). It was way over done. But this scene, just perfection.

I also watched the movie GIGANTIC on Saturday, starring Paul Dano and Zooey Deschanel (my girl). A cute romantic dramedy that did not go where I thought it was. I mean ultimately it did, but it took a much different avenue. I really enjoyed it. Zooey, I mean she can do no wrong in my eyes, was great, and the rest of the cast was really good as well.

A little more than halfway done with YOUTH IN REVOLT. I'm just attempting to power through it now. It keeps taking funny turns, I'm enjoying it.

Thus brings my Sunday post to an end.

Just to reiterate, I have no idea what these blog posts will accomplish. No one reads these, but its a nice way of just writing stuff down. I'll post a favorite movies/tv post soon.

Be good.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

(2) - Basterds in Revolt

I'm trying here, to post as often as I can. Sometimes it slips my mind. It will have to be a quick post this morning.

I'm currently in the middle of the book "Youth in Revolt" by CD Payne. Probably the darkest comedy I've ever read. Now I haven't read a ton of books, but this one has such a twisted sense of humor. Sometime's I'm cracking up, and others I'm wondering what the fuck was going through this guy's mind as he was writing this? Either way, it's a decently long book, roughly 500 pages. It's separated into three parts; I'm on part two: Youth in Bondage. It was made into a movie which is being released this fall starring Michael Cera.

Saw "Inglorious Basterds" over the weekend. Simply put: outstanding. My top five movies of the year now look like: Up, Inglorious Basterds, The Hurt Locker, District 9, (500) Days of Summer. I'll release my top movies of 2009 in early January, so keep reading to find out. Back to the movie, so great. It's my third favorite of his movies (after Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill). I have it as #25 in my top movies of all-time. I'll have to repost that list at some point as the movies have gotten a bit jumbled.

Downloaded the scores to Inglorious Basteds and The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly this weekend. Excellent work. Ennio Morricone really puts you in a specific mood.

That's all for now, off to a meeting.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

(1) - The Disappearance of Time

I'm going to try and blog more often now. I've said that before. But I've been thinking about it, especially today. This day marks day (1) that I shall attempt to write on my blog as often as I can.
To catch you up on what I've been doing recently: I've been going to a lot of movies (saw this weekend District 9, GI Joe, 500 Days of Summer), I've been watching the show "Torchwood" on DVD/BD, I've been trying to read more (bought three books: Youth in Revolt, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Lovely Bones), I've been listening to a lot of Phoenix.

My birthday is coming up, it's on Thursday (8/20). I'll be 23. Time has seriously disappeared. I'm out of college over a year now, still working in Real Estate Management. Not the best job, but I know a bunch of my friends who still don't have a job, so I'm definitely not complaining. I remember just graduating High School and the anxiousness and nervousness of going to college. My younger sister is currently experiencing that right now. How I envy her. Would I want to do all the work that comes with college? Definitely not, but the rest of college, I think everyone misses.

I saw 500 Days of Summer this afternoon. Great. Simply great. Go and see it right now. Magic like that is rarely shown in movies nowadays. It's not a romantic comedy, which we've seen time and time again. It's just a magical movie, it's a very truthful, honest movie.

As I'm writing this a turkey has walked onto my property.

Such is life.