Monday, June 29, 2009

Round Robin: Team 1 v Team 3

Todd and the Bens vs Johnny and the Rockets

AKA came out to play, to prove that he was a #1 seed. Shooting a perfect 6-6 from the field, he led Todd and the Bens to a 9-7, albeit somewhat surprising, victory. Pearl White played great shooting 4-5. The big talk was about Rosetta Stone. After two early turnovers, he hit an outside shot, and his name was born. The "translation" was occurring. His 2 points were accompanied by 4 boards and 2 dimes, including one of the greatest no-look passes in TomBall history. He came to ball. Todd and the Bens 1-0, Johnny and the Rockets 0-1 (note: Sooooo Good did NOT play in this game).

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